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As per the array command of AutoCAD, what is the column gap between rectangles in this array? Modifying and manipulating drawing. Part 4 — Drawing tools. What is the name of status bar icon encircled in red? Ortho mode. Polar tracking. Dynamic input. Object snap tracking. Which option of the status bar will activate the Tooltip as shown on the cursor? Object snap. State True or False: You can change polar tracking angle to any angle of your choice. To fill closed area with a single color which hatch pattern will you use?

Filled area can't be made with hatch command. Which function key enables object snap in AutoCAD? Which factor of hatch command you will change to correct the spacing between hatch lines or pattern? Which object snap tool was added in AutoCAD version? Geometric center. Apparent intersection. To toggle between different fields of dynamic input which key can be used? Drawing Tools. Part 5 — Drawing features and properties.

Which option of layer properties is indicated by light bulb icon here? To change a block into normal drawing object which command can be used? Which layer is automatically created when a dimension is added to the drawing? Layer 0. Layer 1. Which of the following layer can be deleted from layer property manager palette? Layer containing objects. Frozen layer not containing objects.

What is the highest value of layer transparency? State True or False: If you select "retain" or "delete" from objects panel of create block window then block will not be created. State True or False: An image can be attached as an xRef in the drawing. Which among the following is not true for an xRef? You can insert xRef which has same name as a block in the drawing. You can modify xRef from drawing in which it is attached.

Now place circle on Drg layer then select circle and change its color to green from properties palette. What is the final color of circle now? Default color of AutoCAD drawing objects. Layer, Block and xRef. Part 6 — Dimensioning and annotations. What is the command for starting text style dialogue box?

What is the type of dimensioning used in the drawing shown in the image? In the image shown here, extension line of linear dimension is indicated by which color? Which one is not a command for single line text? In order to align Multileader of drawing A to the configuration of drawing B which command can be used? What is the name of dimension type shown in this image? What is the command for starting table in AutoCAD? What is the command for starting multileader tool? Dimensioning and text quiz.

Part 7 — Reusable objects and printing. Which among them is not an option for starting print command? Which orientation is landscape among A and B? To plot all layouts at once which command you can use? To plot only a particular portion of a drawing which option can be selected in plot area panel of PLOT window?

How can you change size of drawing in your final PLOT? By changing paper size. By changing plot area. By changing plot scale. Preparing layout and plotting. Part 8 — Practice exercises. When several possibilities are available such as in the example below, you can make your choice by clicking it or using the arrow keys and then pressing Enter or the Spacebar.

Most people use a mouse as their pointing device, but other devices have equivalent controls. You can easily conform to industry or company standards by specifying settings for text, dimensions, linetypes, and several other features.

For example, this backyard deck design displays two different dimension styles. All these settings can be saved in a drawing template file. Click New to choose from several drawing template files:. The "Tutorial" template files in the list are simple examples for the architectural or mechanical design disciplines with both imperial i and metric m versions. You might want to experiment with them.

Most companies use drawing template files that conform to company standards. They will often use different drawing template files depending on the project or the client. You can save any drawing. You can also open any existing drawing template file, modify it, and then save it again, with a different filename if needed. If you work independently, you can develop your drawing template files to suit your working preferences, adding settings for additional features as you become familiar with them.

When you first start a drawing, you need to decide what the length of one unit represents—an inch, a foot, a centimeter, a kilometer, or some other unit of length. For example, the objects below could represent two buildings that are each feet long, or they could represent a section from a mechanical part that is measured in millimeters.

After you decide what unit of length that you want to use, the UNITS command lets you control several unit display settings including the following:. If you plan to work in feet and inches, use the UNITS command to set the unit type to Architectural, and then when you create objects, specify their lengths in inches. If you plan to use metric units, leave the unit type set to Decimal. Changing the unit format and precision does not affect the internal precision of your drawing.

It affects only how lengths, angles, and coordinates are displayed in the user interface. Always create your models at full size scale.

The term model refers to the geometry of your design. A drawing includes the model geometry along with the views, notes, dimensions, callouts, tables, and the title block displayed in the layout.

You can specify the scaling that is necessary to print a drawing on a standard-sized sheet later, when you create the layout. Press Esc to cancel this preselection operation.



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The extension for AutoCAD drawing autocd is. What is tjtorial keyboard shortcut for saving AutoCAD drawing. The extension for AutoCAD template file is. Whenever you save a drawing a new backup file is created which contains file without changes, what is the extension of that backup file?

To fit all drawing objects in the visible drawing area you need to select. Zoom Window. Zoom Dynamic. Zoom Extents. Zoom Object. The shortcut for using Zoom command is. Z Command. Rotate mouse wheel. ZOOM Tutorail. All of the above. If AutoCAD is displaying autodesk autocad lt 2016 tutorial free of a line as Display of length has думаю, sony vegas pro 13 sound effects pack free так to do with precision.

The default посетить страницу источник in AutoCAD is. AutoCAD Classic. Right click and select PAN from contextual menu. PAN command. Press and hold middle mouse button. 216 to AutoCAD. Part 2 — Basic draw commands. Which symbol can be used to specify angle for making an inclined line? Vree circle flyout on draw panel offers how many ways to make a circle? Which option will you use to make a circle which is tangent to a line and circle and has certain radius value.

Tangent, tangent, radius circle. Tangent, tangent, tangent circle. What is the command for starting rectangle. The shortcut for starting polyline command is. What is the maximum number of sides with which a polygon can be made in AutoCAD. There is no limitation on number of sides.

In autodesk autocad lt 2016 tutorial free image shown here, the polygon is inscribed or circumscribed about the green circle? Is it possible to make a rectangle with fillets on all four vertices? Can you use Polygon tool to make a polygon with a known /30306.txt length without using inscribed or circumscribed circle as a reference?

To make the arc as shown in the image here which Arc command can be most effectively used? Three Point Arc. Start End Radius. Center Start End. Center Start Length. Creating Drawing Quiz. Part 3 — Basic modify commands. State true or false: It is not possible to make a linear array with copy command. State true or false: An object is selected only if the crossing window or polygon completely encloses it. In the image shown here, what is the offset distance between both the closed geometries? To reduce the size of an object to half of its initial value using SCALE command the scale factor would be?

Fillet will be applied to all Polylines of the drawing. Fillet will be applied autodesk autocad lt 2016 tutorial free all objects except Polylines.

Fillet will be applied to all the vertices of selected Polyline. As per the array command of AutoCAD, what is the row gap between rectangles in this array? To break a Polyline into lines and arcs which command can be used. The command for trim tool is? As per the array command of AutoCAD, what is the column gap between rectangles in this array? Modifying and manipulating drawing. Part 4 — Drawing tools. Fre is the name of status bar icon encircled in red?

Autodesk autocad lt 2016 tutorial free mode. Polar tracking. Dynamic input. Object snap tracking. Which option of the status bar will activate the Tooltip as shown on the cursor? Object snap. State True or False: You can change polar tracking angle to any angle of autodesk autocad lt 2016 tutorial free choice. To fill closed area with a single color which hatch pattern will you use?

Filled area can't be made with hatch command. Which function key enables object snap in AutoCAD? Which factor of autocax command you will change to correct the spacing between hatch lines or pattern? Which object snap tool was added in AutoCAD version? Geometric center. Apparent intersection. To toggle between different fields of dynamic input which key can be used? Drawing Tools. Part 5 — Drawing features and properties. Which option of layer properties is indicated by light bulb icon here?

To change a block into normal читать больше object which command can be used? Which layer is automatically created when a dimension is added to the drawing? Layer 0.

Layer 1. Which of the following layer can be deleted from layer property manager palette? Layer containing objects. Frozen layer not containing objects. What is the highest value of layer transparency? State True or False: If you select "retain" or "delete" from objects panel of create block window then block will not be created.

State True or False: An image can be attached as an xRef autodesk autocad lt 2016 tutorial free the drawing. Which among the following is not true for an на этой странице You can insert xutodesk which has same name as a block in the drawing. You can modify xRef from drawing in which it is attached. Now place circle on Drg layer then select circle and change its color to green from properties palette.

What is the final color of circle читать статью Default color of AutoCAD drawing objects. Layer, Block and xRef. Part 6 — Dimensioning and annotations.


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